Monday 25th November 2019
Published a blog post
The web's agricultural revolution
The development and centralisation of the web through the lens of the agricultural revolution.
Friday 18th February 2011
Published a project
A CodeIgniter-compatible wrapper for Twitter OAuth
A clean way of authorising users with Twitter’s new OAUth system when using CodeIgniter
Tuesday 26th January 2010
Published a project
A MarsEdit friendly XML-RPC server in CodeIgniter
A library for making your CodeIgniter blog editable via MarsEdit and other blog editing tools.
Monday 4th January 2010
Published a project
Flickrshow Seven
The seventh version of my popular javascript slideshow library, now fully native and a fraction of the size.
Friday 14th August 2009
Published a blog post
Next stop, Tokyo
My first time living outside of the UK, as I leave London to take on a more design-oriented role in Tokyo.
Friday 31st July 2009
Published a project
Accessing Flickr & HostIp.info with PHP
A Codeigniter-compatible library for easily interacting with the Flickr and Host IP APIs.
Wednesday 6th May 2009
Published a project
Detecting visited sites with jQuery
An experiment to see how easy it is to inspect the browser history and see if a site has been visited.
Wednesday 29th April 2009
Published a blog post
Exploding the myths of web design: Only use web fonts
Why it is easier than you think to enhance your designs by using the fonts installed on your users computer.
Wednesday 22nd April 2009
Published a project
Detecting installed fonts with jQuery
An experiment to see how easy it is to test whether a particular font is installed and available to the web browser.
Sunday 30th April 2006
Published a blog post
Skip past content, not to it
Why ordering and structuring your markup correctly improves the accessibility of your content.
Sunday 2nd April 2006
Published a project
A Javascript Experiment - Movement
A prototype library for generating moveable tile-based interfaces for fun and profit
Tuesday 28th February 2006
Published a project
Introducing FlickrShow
A new javascript-based slideshow gallery for Flickr that can embedded in any website
Friday 10th February 2006
Published a blog post
The dangers of customisation
Avoiding the temptation to re-style common form components because of how it affects usability.
Thursday 17th November 2005
Published a project
Beseku Gallery 0.1
An AJAX-powered javascript library for displaying your Flickr photos on your own website.
Thursday 27th October 2005
Published a project
FlickArray - Accessing Flickr with PHP
A standalone PHP library for easily interacting with the Flickr API.